Tuesday, November 4, 2008


There's been a bunch of QQing about the zombie invasion. I think I get what people are whinging about -- they want their wow to be a stable place with safe zones and to be able to control their experience, deciding when to fight and at the very least not to be pwned by some prepubescent ganker. I understand that, and I often retreat to the comfort of my pve server when I want some relaxation.

On the other hand, HOLY CRAP that was fun! Really. Thanks Blizzard -- the zombie invasion was a serious fun injection.

In the first days, I went to Booty Bay and clicked on the crate, then headed up to Grom Gol and took the place over.

Later, I grouped up with Twyla the rogue and Olias the priest and we shuffled our way through Ratchet and Theramore. We all were having more fun than we'd had in a long time. Some more guildies joined us and we took a run at Jaina. We were happily unsuccessful at that. She instantly summoned a bucketload of elementals and was pounding us for 30k a shot.

There was no pressure to it -- we weren't doing it for loot or achievements -- we were just having fun. Everybody's abilities were the same. Faction didn't matter. It was silly zombie fun.

I'm glad it's over and we can go back to the grind, but I'm really impressed that Blizzard pulled this off so well, and am stoked to take revenge on the Lich King.

Next time, maybe Blizz can give people a heads up about how long it will last or a way to opt out of it. They could leave some place untouched, like Darnassus, so people could still get to an auction house. Maybe have an NPC give free ports to Darnassus for refugees and add in a few event quests to give them something extra to do. They could make a trinket or consumable or astral form that gives some immunity to the disease, but prevents attacking.

Anyway, I dug it and I hope you did too.

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